Avoid the frustration, use our experienced team to help you get a dashboard you’ll actually use.
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You’ve got data

We know, as you know, that there is value in your data. You can make better and more timely decisions, set objectives and measure progress… if you can see the data.

However, we know that getting the data presented properly to you is not only hard, it can be expensive. And while those off the shelf products demo well, there can be expensive challenges to make them work with your data.

We’ve got solutions

At ACE, we have decades of experience capturing, cleaning, standardizing, organizing, analyzing and presenting data.

We have the expertise, the tools and the approach to get your dashboard or information presentation system up and running as quickly and as economically as possible. Our method revolves around four simple tenets that we call the ACE Philosophy.

ACE Logomark Blue

The ACE Philosophy


Prototype, Prototype, Prototype

We’ve learned the best way to involve stakeholders in dashboard projects is to constantly update and review working dashboards. Users become engaged, ideas flow, and understanding happens when people get to touch the dashboard.


Embrace Change

In the real world, objectives and requirements change and evolve as people see the application. We believe an organization must approach their dashboard build with a methodology that embraces change. An adaptable approach is key to building the best product for your needs.


Measure Your Approach

Many a project has failed because it was just too ambitious. Taking small steps towards your goal may seem counter-intuitive at the start, but we’ve found that in the long run it’s more efficient if you can easily change course based on what you’ve learned. At the end of a big project, you’ve missed your target, and you’re stuck with a white elephant because you’ve burned all your resources. A series of small projects lets you adjust your direction constantly, so you can minimize wasted investment.


Utilize Your People

Different people have different skill sets, experience and expertise. The people are an organization’s best assets so it’s important and most cost effective to break the project down and assign tasks to the people best suited to complete them.

The ability to see trends before anyone else will put you miles ahead of your competition.

Sample Dashboard

Below is an example that shows how diverse data from different places can be captured, cleaned, and presented in an executive manner.

This chart shows various key performance indicators (KPIs) showing auto sales and their relation to marketing activities in different dealerships and regions.

Total Sales
Sales: $1,638
Target: $1,500
Sales By Region
Own 1 Vehicle
Own Multiple Vehicles
Company or Broker
Last Contact
Top Lead Sources
Dealer Lead Conversion

Need a dashboard?

We can help.

ACE Dashboards wants to help you achieve success with your dashboard or data analysis project. Read our white paper for a more detailed outline of how we approach these projects, select the technology, and work towards delivering dashboards that work.

We’d be more than happy to talk to you about your project, and review how our philosophy and approach can help you achieve your business objectives.